The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (since 1901):
- 2004: Linda B Buck - USA (shares the prize with Richard Axel - USA)
- 1995: Christiane Nüsslein - Germany (shares the prize with Edward B. Lewis - USA & Eric F. Wieschaus - USA)
- 1988: Gertrude B Elion - USA (shares the prize with Sir James W Black -GB & George H Hitchings - USA)
- 1986: Rita Levi - Italy (shares the prize with Stanley Cohen - USA)
- 1983: Barbara McClintock - USA
- 1977: Rosalyn Yalow - USA (shares the prize with Roger Guillemin - USA & Andrew V. Schally -USA)
- 1947: Gerty Theresa Cori - USA (shares the prize with Carl Ferdinand Cori - USA & Bernardo Alberto Houssay - Argentina)
- 1964: Dorothy Crowfoot - GB
- 1935: Irène Joliot - France (shares the prize with her husband Frédéric Joliot - France)
- 1911: Mari Curie - France
The Nobel Prize in Physics (since 1901):
- 1963: Maria Goeppert - USA (shares the prize with Eugene Paul Wigner - USA & J Hans D Jensen - Germany)
- 1903: Marie Curie - France (shares the prize with her husband Pierre Curie - France & Antoine Henrik Becquerel - France)
The Nobel Peace Prize (since 1901):
- 2003: Shirin Ebadi - Iran
- 1992: Rigoberta Menchú Tum - Guatemala
- 1991: Aung San Suu Kyi - Burma
- 1982: Alva Myrdal - Sweden (shares the prize with Alfonso García Robles - Mexico)
- 1979: Moder Teresa - Indien
- 1976: Betty Williams och Mairead Corrigan - GB
- 1946: Emily Greene Balch - USA (shares the prize with John Raleigh Mott - USA)
- 1905: The Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita von Suttner - Austria
- 1996: Wislawa Szymborska - Poland
- 1993: Toni Morrison - USA
- 1991: Nadine Gordimer - South Africa
- 1966: Nelly Sachs - Sweden
- 1945: Gabriela Mistral - Chile
- 1938: Pearl Buck - USA
- 1928: Sigrid Undset - Norway
- 1945: Grazia Deledda - Italy
- 1909: Selma Lagerlöf - Sweden
- No woman has till this day recieved the economy prize.
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